Fix Flatpak browser not opening links in Ubuntu

TL, DR Sometimes Ubuntu stages a coup, setting the Snap internet browser as default. This may break your setup if you actually instralled your browser using Flatpak. Here a few steps to fix this issue. Flatpak vs. Snap Ubuntu has a strong preference for Snaps…but maybe you don’t necessarily agree with this and you prefer… Continue reading Fix Flatpak browser not opening links in Ubuntu

Use Python Selenium with Snap browsers

TL, DR Selenium is one of the main libraries for browser automation and web scraping. Sometimes it is painful to integrate with browsers that are installed as Snap packages, this guide gives you a few examples for a correct configuration. What are Snap packages? Snap packages is the new and preferred way to distribute applications… Continue reading Use Python Selenium with Snap browsers

Deploy Minio with Docker on a Synology NAS with a custom domain name

TL, DR Minio is a powerful open source self-hosted object storage, similar to S3, that you can deploy on your own hardware or cloud instance. This guide provide you the right settings to deploy Minio with Dover on a Synology NAS and use your domain name with SSL Minio object storage We already covered Minio… Continue reading Deploy Minio with Docker on a Synology NAS with a custom domain name

MongoDB aggregation: create your data pipelines

TL, DR MongoDB is one of the leading NoSQL databases, and its aggregation framework enables powerful queries, as well as data operations. We will see how to quickly create data pipelines and create code you can use in your projects. The power of a Compass You use MongoDB as data repository because it’s so simple… Continue reading MongoDB aggregation: create your data pipelines

Copy files with specific naming patterns from Linux shell

TL, DR Sometimes you may need to copy a large number of files, and your file explorer/file search will be painfully slow. If you use Linux, you can easily copy files with a specific naming pattern using only the shell, saving time and effort. Need to copy many files? Sometimes we need to copy a… Continue reading Copy files with specific naming patterns from Linux shell

Access host resources from a Docker container

TL, DR Docker is a great platform for development and deployment of modern applications. Sometimes you need your Docker container to access some resource published on the host. This guide explains how to access host resources from a Docker container in Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Docker containers In today’s cloud environment Docker is one of… Continue reading Access host resources from a Docker container