Deploy a local Docker Registry with GUI

TL, DR During the development of Docker applications you may need to continuously pull and build images. A local Docker registry can help you to save time and effort, especially if your Internet connection is not the fastest in the world. The GUI by joxit helps to make this local Docker registry more user friendly… Continue reading Deploy a local Docker Registry with GUI

Multipass and Portainer to develop with Docker

TL, DR Ubuntu Multipass gives you the ability to create virtual machines on Linux, Windows and MacOS. It provides an image with Docker and Portainer pre-installed, so you can have a local Docker development environment with GUI in no time. Below a few commands to guide your first steps with Multipass and launching the Portainer… Continue reading Multipass and Portainer to develop with Docker

Setup a BeagleBone Green Wireless with HDMI cape

TL, DR BeagleBone HDMI cape needs a specific OS version to work, and we need to prevent upgrades that would break compatibility. This post provides a guide to setup a BeagleBone Green Wireless with the HDMI cape and prevent breaking updates. BeagleBone Green Wireless BeagleBones are open source Single Board Computers (SBC) that can be… Continue reading Setup a BeagleBone Green Wireless with HDMI cape

Schedule an automatic reboot for a Linux server

TL, DR In order to schedule an automatic reboot on our Linux server we need to use SuperUser privileges. Using privileged Crontab we can automate privileged operations on Linux machines. Need privileged automation? Sometimes we need to schedule a periodic reboot for our Linux machine – physical or in the cloud. There is an easy… Continue reading Schedule an automatic reboot for a Linux server