GSConnect is a great open source app to connect your phone to your Linux PC. At the time of writing, when you try to mount the phone file system on your PC, you are most likely to get an error. Here a few steps to fix this issue.
Mounting your phone from GSConnect
GSConnect is a Gnome Extension that let you connect to your Android device, and enable quite a few handy functionalities. Here we will only focus on mounting the Android device file system on your Linux PC.
In the image below you can see the menu after you connected your phone, with a “mount” option.

However, if you do click on “mount” and then go to your file explorer, you are likely to have a permission error like below:

Fixing the issue
A bit of searching delivered the fix for this issue, specifically from a GitHub issue trail. All it takes is to digit Ctrl+L while selecting the mounted drive on your file explorer and add the following path to the drive:
Apparently this is needed because the phone is not returning the correct path to be mounted, and this needs to be fixed manually to avoid running into permission errors.
Once you do this, it’ll work like a charm (provided you have all the prerequisites…this is not a GSConnect full guide, Iḿ only writing about the mounting issue)!
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